FutureSage Technologies
Week 3
Design system diagram, system scenario, and
learn about how to use Ubuntu
It quite a long time since I used Ubuntu so, I need to learn how to use this OS again and design the system diagram and scenario
Unitree official GitHub
Go to "unitree_legged_sdk" and download it, in this file, it will have 2 folders that are the examples of controlling the robot in both languages (Python and C++)
After download, it needs to use Ubuntu to run these codes so, I need to download and install Ubuntu into my computer
Download and Install Ubuntu
Link for download:
Install Ubuntu desktop | Ubuntu
Guide for install:
After downloading, installing, and setting up everything then connect to the robot's wifi hotspot for access into the robot
System scenerio
User command the robot by using hand sign
The robot carries the items and walk follow the user
System diagram